Sunday 1 June 2014

Aztec Art

View images of Aztec Masks and Aztec Art and create a mask or pattern using Aztec artwork as inspiration. Include a sentence explaining what piece of Aztec Art you used to inspire you.

Aztec Art

Cortes on the Aztecs

Hernan Cortes wrote five letters from the land that he had claimed as 'New Spain'and they became a valuable source for understanding the early Spanish presence in Mexico. His letters included details about what he saw and experienced. Read the letters on this link and record at least 10 important phrases or sentences that describe what Cortes saw. 

Hernan Cortez - a ruthless Spanish Conquistador

Take this quiz to test your knowledge of the Spanish Conquistadors. Hernan (or Hernando) Cortes was the Spanish Conquistador who was responsible for the conquest of the vast Aztec empire in 1519. He achieved this with the use of ruthlessness and violence. Watch the clip included in the link below which provides biographical information about Hernan Cortes. Use the information (and your text book) to create the poster shown below to organise your knowledge. The poster template is available in Student Resources - History folder. 

Hernan Cortes Biography

More information on this website

Poster Template


Watch the clips below and take notes from the websites listed to reinforce your knowledge of the Aztec capital - Tenochtitlan. Use your knowledge, notes and textbook to create a 'birds-eye view' of Tenochtitlan with labels and definitions.

Ancient Worlds - Tenochtitlan

Aztec Empire