Saturday 11 October 2014

Introduction to Aztec Civilization

Use the links below to develop an understanding of the impact of the Spanish explorers (such as Hernan Cortes) on the Aztec civilization.

History Channel Videos

Thursday 9 October 2014

Forces for Change

Use the information on p. 181 to create a mind map showing the internal and external pressures that contributed to change in Japan. This change was referred to as a time of 'naiyu gakan' - 'troubles from within and without'. Include this term in your mind map. Use this link to create your mind map.

Monday 6 October 2014

Tokugawa Ieyasu

Use the links below to record at least ten dot points about Tokugawa Ieyasu. Include information about why he was such an important historical figure in Japan. (This link includes a clip about Samurai warriors which will also be helpful for your exam preparation)

Japan Guide

BBC History   

Saturday 2 August 2014

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Life on the Manor

Use this website - The Medieval  Village -  to explore the parts of a medieval manor. Using the map provided,  write a brief summary of the important elements of the village.

Monday 14 July 2014

Medieval Europe

Use the links below to read information about Medieval Europe.

Crusades info

More about the Crusades

Medieval Map - an interactive map of the medieval era

Life in Medieval Europe - clip

Crush the Castle (game) - for after you finish your work!
History on the Net:
Attacking and Defending a Castle
Crime and Punishment

A large selection of articles about the Middle Ages

Games and Animations 

Medieval Europe: Feudal Society...

Medieval Europe: Castle Life...

Medieval Europe: Knights...

Sunday 1 June 2014

Aztec Art

View images of Aztec Masks and Aztec Art and create a mask or pattern using Aztec artwork as inspiration. Include a sentence explaining what piece of Aztec Art you used to inspire you.

Aztec Art